HTTP Archive: adding flush | High Performance Web Sites

January 31, 2013 12:09 am | 8 Comments

In my previous post, HTTP Archive: new schema & dumps, I described my work to make the database faster, easier to download, consume less disk space, and contain more stats. Once these updates were finished I was excited to start going through the code and make pages faster using the new schema changes. Although time consuming, it’s been fun to change some queries and see the site get much faster.

Along the way I bumped into the page for viewing an individual website’s results, for example Whole Foods. Despite my schema changes, it has a slow (~10 seconds) query in the middle of the page. I’ve created a bug to figure out how to improve this (I think I need a new index), but for the short term I decided to just flush the document before the slow query. This page is long, so the slow part is well below-the-fold. By adding flush I would be able to get the above-the-fold content to render more quickly.

I wrote a blog post in 2009 describing Flushing the Document Early. It describes flushing thusly:

Flushing is when the server sends the initial part of the HTML document to the client before the entire response is ready. All major browsers start parsing the partial response. When done correctly, flushing results in a page that loads and feels faster. The key is choosing the right point at which to flush the partial HTML document response. The flush should occur before the expensive parts of the back end work, such as database queries and web service calls. But the flush should occur after the initial response has enough content to keep the browser busy. The part of the HTML document that is flushed should contain some resources as well as some visible content. If resources (e.g., stylesheets, external scripts, and images) are included, the browser gets an early start on its download work. If some visible content is included, the user receives feedback sooner that the page is loading.

My first step was to add a call to PHP’s flush function right before which contains the slow query:

require_once(''); // contains the slow query

Nothing changed. The page still took ~10 seconds to render. In that 2009 blog post I mentioned it’s hard to get the details straight. Fortunately I dug into those details in the corresponding chapter from Even Faster Web Sites. I reviewed the chapter and read about how PHP uses output buffering, requiring some additional PHP flush functions. Specifically, all existing output buffers have to be cleared with a call to ob_end_flush, a new output buffer is activated by ob_start, and this new output buffer has to be cleared using ob_flush before calling flush:

// Flush any currently open buffers.
while (ob_get_level() > 0) {
[a bunch of HTML...]
require_once(''); // contains the slow query

After following the advice for managing PHP’s output buffers, flushing still didn’t work. Reading further in the chapter I saw that Apache has a buffer that it uses when gzipping. If the size of the output is less than 8K at the time flush is called, Apache won’t flush the output because it wants at least 8K before it gzips. In my case I had only ~6K of output before the slow query so was falling short of the 8K threshold. An easy workaround is to add padding to the HTML document to exceed the threshold:

// Flush any currently open buffers.
while (ob_get_level() > 0) {
[a bunch of HTML...]
<!-- 0001020304050607080[2K worth of padding]... -->
require_once(''); // contains the slow query

After adding the padding flushing worked! It felt much faster. As expected, the flush occurred at a point well below-the-fold, so the page looks done unless the user quickly scrolls down. The downside of adding padding to the page is a larger HTML document that takes longer to download, is larger to store, etc. Instead, we used Apache’s DeflateBufferSize directive to lower the gzip threshold to 4K. With this change the page renders faster without the added page weight.

The flush change is now in production. You can see the difference using these URLs:

These URLs open a random website each time to avoid any cached MySQL results. Without flushing, the page doesn’t change for ~10 seconds. With flushing, the above-the-fold content changes after ~3 seconds, and the below-the-fold content arrives ~7 seconds later.

I still don’t see flushing used on many websites. It can be confusing and even frustrating to setup. My responses already had chunked encoding, so I didn’t have to jump through that hoop. But as you can see the faster rendering makes a significant difference. If you’re not flushing your document early, I recommend you give it a try.